Florida Prepaid's Open Enrollment Ends Tomorrow

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The annual open enrollment period for Florida’s Prepaid College Tuition program ends Tuesday (April 30th).  

Prices are lower than they were one year ago, with the cheapest plan for a newborn now costing $34 dollars per month for a one-year university plan.  

A full four-year university tuition plan for a newborn starts at 135 dollars per month.  

Prices have dropped since tuition for state universities has not gone up in over a decade.  

Amid ongoing economic concerns, Florida Prepaid spokesperson Shannon Smith says it’s more important than ever to have some certainty within your family budget. “It’s a way for families to save for college early, in a way that fits their budget. Once you set up your plan and set up your payment schedule, the payment will never go up. It will always be the same.

There are several prepaid tuition options available, including two and four-year plans to cover state colleges and universities, as well as hybrid plans for two years at a state college and two more at a university.  

Any child in Florida from newborn through 11th grade may take part in the program. 

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